- 关于ChatGPT的注册和界面就说两句:海外的朋友随时可以访问(除了它Down机的时候),中国的朋友可以尝试翻墙+虚拟国外手机号码(自己搜一下)。他的界面就和聊天工具一样,你发消息给它,它会回复你。
- 先让ChatGPT提供总体评价
- 你可以在输入框中打”how good is the following essay”,先不要着急按发送
- 此时后按Shift+Enter换行
- 将你的作文粘贴进去
- 点击“发送”小箭头后会获得ChatGPT发来的整体的评价
- 它会告诉你是否有拼写错误,表达的内容是否清晰,以及整体上有什么建议
- 这只是让你对自己的作文水平有一个大致了解,接下来可以根据其建议有针对性地修改
- 修改拼写及语法错误
- 如果ChatGPT说你有一些拼写和语法错误,你可以直接问他都有什么错误
- 例如我拿某机构的范例作文去问ChatGPT给评价,结果提示存在“grammatical errors and awkward phrasings”,所以我把这句话发回去问他都有什么问题
- 于是它列出了文中的全部错误,并带修改意见
- 此时要看看错的地方是模板的错误,还是自己写错了。
- 如果是模板错了,那一定要在吐槽机构的模板质量之后纠正错误,最好把错了的地方再写几次加深记忆。
- 如果是自己写错了,当然也需要改正,只不过你考试时不一定会用到这个词。
- 模板则是一定要保证正确的,能保证不错地方请不要被扣分。
- 接下来输入”correct those”,ChatGPT会按照其建议输出正确的结果
- 获得句式/表达方面的建议
- 一般的表达问题,ChatGPT会直接当作错误在上一步中给出建议。
- 如果能保证作文没有明显错误,能写出完整的简单复合句,你的PTE写作分已经在65分以上水平了
- 如果你想要拿更高的分数,或者时常觉得词不达意,你可以问他”phrasing suggestions”,看看句式建议
- ChatGPT会对原文中的一些表达并不清晰的句子给出修改建议。
- 你会发现,英语的句子其实并不是越复杂、标点符号越多就越好。
- 此时如果让它”follow the suggestions”,ChatGPT会按照建议给出范文
- 此时建议你仔细对比自己的原来文章和现在的文章,找出你能够应用的句式,加以记忆。自己实在用不上的就不要去理会
- 到此为止、计算字数
- 经过ChatGPT的修改,此时你的作文已此时已经是超满分作文了
- PTE考试的写作分数主要还来源于WFD等等题型,作文没必要写太好
- 如果需要计算字数,只需要让它“word count”即可
- 最终建议及延申
- 如果你实在想知道还有什么可以提高的地方,可以问“any other suggestions?” 或者“improvement suggestions”
- ChatGPT会针对已经改好的文章给出一些建议。
- 例如上面这篇讨论手机是好是坏的文章,ChatGPT建议提供具体的例子,它说:“provide a specific example of a situation where this is useful.”
- 所以我就复制了这句话,发回去,要它提供一个例子
- 结果ChatGPT提供了一个筹办Surprise Party时利用手机的例子
- 最终你可以让它“apply the example to the essay within two sentences”,看看它会怎么把这个例子用和一两句话写到作文中
- 此时你的作文已经是超满分作文了,没必要再进一步修改了,不要画蛇添足。
- 碰到彻底没辙的话题怎么办?
- 每个人都会有不熟悉的话题
- 如果不知道说什么,那可以把题目直接丢给ChatGPT让它写。它的答案可能水平惊人
- 但请一定记得去“入脑”,别看了ChatGPT的答案就以为万事大吉了
- 最后参加考试的可是你自己
There has been a heated discussion on whether telecommunication such as mobile phones have benefitted individuals and the society as a whole. While it is possible to claim that smart phones have become a huge distraction in our daily life, my view is that its advantages outweigh its disadvantages.
To begin with, there are numerous why telecommunication is beneficial, but the obvious one lies in the fact that it makes the operation of society and people’s daily life more effective and efficient. To be specific, the wide spread use of cellphones makes communication between vast distances possible. For society, video call and internet connection enabled by smartphones makes the international conferences easier. We can save a large amount of money and time that we would have spent without telecommunication. For individuals, mobile phones, as telecommunicating devices, give us access to all the information needed and more convenience. For example, we can locate friends in a large crowd and organize many events by just a phone call.
However, those who argue for continuous mobile phone use have a different perspective, and they claim that communicating only through the virtual world has its drawbacks which should not be neglected. It is obvious that we now tend to overuse this form of communication. Consequently, it may cause some users to be anti-social. Furthermore, it has become a huge distraction in our life. Taking smart phones as an example, we hold them anytime and anywhere, even when walking on the street.
To conclude, as the quote says: every coin has two sides. Although there are strong arguments for both sides, as the above mentioned, I am overall convinced that, if used properly, it is a positive trend for individuals and the society to adopt telecommunication which can bring many benefits.
Telecommunication, such as mobile phones, has been a topic of debate in terms of whether it benefits individuals and society as a whole. While smartphones can be a huge distraction in daily life, I believe their advantages outweigh their disadvantages.
The most apparent benefit of telecommunication is that it makes society and people’s daily lives more efficient. For example, widespread cellphone use enables communication between people at vast distances, and video calls and internet connections facilitated by smartphones make international conferences easier. Mobile phones also provide individuals with access to information and convenience, allowing them to locate friends in large crowds or organize events with a simple phone call.
Critics argue that continuous mobile phone use has drawbacks, including increased anti-social behavior and distraction. However, when used properly, the benefits of telecommunication outweigh the disadvantages. For instance, mobile phones can be crucial in organizing a surprise party. Without mobile phones, it would be challenging to keep everyone involved in the preparations without ruining the surprise. The convenience of mobile phones also allows for easy communication with people who may not live nearby and are unable to attend in person.
In conclusion, telecommunication, specifically mobile phones, has many advantages that outweigh the disadvantages. It allows for efficient communication between individuals and can make society more productive. While there are some negative consequences, such as distraction and anti-social behavior, these can be minimized through responsible use. Overall, the benefits of telecommunication are essential, and it is a positive trend for individuals and society to adopt it.